well, well, well! another season is upon us! happy fall everyone. we've been having an indian summer over in these parts but i'm not complaining. i'm all about the warm weather. and i feel like this summer just flew by and we didn't even get to do much. i think back and i'm just like what did we even do this summer?
i'm slowly starting to get back in the swing of things. i've just been out of it. not myself. i've had so much anxiety lately! and so i would just get home exhausted. i've hardly been cooking. i've hardly been keeping the apartment tidy (don't even ask to see the piles of laundry! i'm so embarrassed!!). and i haven't really been updating the blog very much or sharing anything significant. i hope this happens to everyone and not just me!
anyway! here's a look that i shot a few weeks back. i absolutely love this look. and as you should know by now, it's so like me to take a sweatshirt and dress it up ;) and i love that i can also wear this sweatshirt with a pair of high waist jeans and booties or even sneakers! i love owning staple pieces that i can wear casual or dressy.
i'm excited with the start of the new season and i'm looking forward to doing some fun fall festivities! love you guys and thank you so much for following along even though it's been a little dry over here lately. crazy how much things change when i'm just not in the mood, even the things that i love doing (like sharing on this space or living in a tidy apartment! oh, and thank you husband for being so patient with me ;)
|| sweatshirt c/o shein || leggings (similar) || heels || lippie ||
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photographs by blissfulkaos