the point of this 5 ways to wear series is to inspire myself. to help me get out of my comfort zone and experiment with different styles that i normally wouldn't wear. with that being said, i don't ever remember really styling a scarf. they are such a great accessory that anyone can wear in so many different ways. i purchased this silk scarf from h&m and added it to 5 different outfits that i would have otherwise not accessorized.
it feels good to step outside my comfort zone. the older i get, the more i realize how much i constrict myself. of course this applies to all areas of my life and not just fashion, but fashion is how i choose to express myself. and even with fashion, i limit myself to these particular standards that i've set. so i'm excited to start breaking through that. and to start experimenting with different styles that i wouldn't usually wear. and hopefully, i inspire at least one of you along the way!
how would you style a silk scarf?

photographs by blissfulkaos
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