i've been here before. staring at a blank draft blog post, too insecure to write about anything. or maybe it's writer's block? either way, i'm finding that the more time that passes, the harder it gets for me to just sit down and write like i used to. and to be honest, the fact that anyone reads this is what stops me. i don't know, blogging was way more fun when no one knew i was doing it. when the people in my real life had no idea i even had this space. but the desire to continue to blog is stronger than the insecurity i have on who will actually read this.
and so here i am. blogging for the first time in 2021. happy new year, i suppose! let me see what life updates i have for you...
i reached 10,000 followers on instagram. in total transparency, i have an entire draft blog post about my thoughts on reaching 10k that i'll probably never post. but hitting 10k on the gram has been a goal of mine for so long. after achieving it, i realized that i only wanted that number as some sort of external validation for having an online presence. as if it wasn't commendable to have an online presence unless i had a respectable amount of followers. funny enough, i enjoyed my online space way more when i hardly had any followers. i'm certainly grateful for the people that are interested in what i want to share but i'd be lying if i didn't tell you it's intimidating. 

indi turned 2 years old in february. i'm looking forward to documenting more of his life on here. i started #apupnamedindi on instagram and love looking at all of our posts together. he's the sweetest, most adorable pup there ever was. he still doesn't know how to walk with a leash and has recently started barking at every sound he hears outside. he suffers from major anxiety and stresses junior and i out more than we'd like to admit. even so, i absolutely love that little guy!

junior and i have been car shopping. the entire process has been so anxiety producing for me, mainly because i was a nervous wreck deciding to commit to a car payment. we've been car payment free for several years now and the thought of having a car payment makes my eyes roll. i'm all about saving, saving, saving. and even with a car payment, we'll still be able to save but you know, it just makes me nervous!! but! i'm grateful for all the years we've been able to save money and grateful for how long my little sentra has lasted me (it will be 10 years soon!). we're waiting to hear back on a car, so fingers crossed! i'm claiming it as mine already.

if you're here reading this, please know that i appreciate you! i know it makes me uncomfortable but i'm working through that. i'm looking forward to posting more on here because looking back on what i've written is my favorite past time. don't be surprised if i dedicate a bunch of posts to past memories that i haven't shared on this space before ;) i have a lot of catching up to do!!
|| bodysuit || pants || sneakers || ear cuff || earrings || necklace || glasses ||

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