i wrote this on november 17, 2020 and never got around to posting it. in an effort to get back into blogging, i am publishing this post so that i can look back on these memories. photos taken november 7, 2020 and published here and here.
going down to the beach with my family has quickly become my favorite thing to do (when it's nice out, of course). we found a beach that we favor going to and we've been coming back to it, year after year since 2017. it feels like our beach.
i love looking back and comparing us going down on our own to create content versus us now going down with indi. it is definitely a new season of life!! he loves digging in the sand and running around like an uncaged animal. he knows how to ask me for water when he gets too parched from eating sand and he wants nothing else but to play fetch or chase us around. did i mention the digging in the sand? he likes to dig in the sand, specifically aiming it in our direction.
2020 has been such a weird year and i am so grateful that we were able to squeeze in one last beach day in november, before the cold weather confined us indoors. it was a warm 70 degree day but since it's windy by the sea, i made sure to dress in layers. we drove down the two hour drive it normally takes us with indi in his little car seat. we walked the half mile walk in the sand and found a spot to call our own. this was the first time all season that it felt like we had the beach all to ourselves. i guess with everything closed, people were frequenting the beach more and more. but this time, it felt like it was just ours. i laid down all of our things and we had a nice time, just the three of us.
it was actually our anniversary weekend which i loved being able to celebrate with indi, too. we celebrated 7 years of marriage, which in and of itself is just mind blowing to me. how has it been seven years already? seven hard and beautiful and challenging and amazing years. i cherish having this memory together, celebrating our seventh anniversary with our little puppy during a time when the whole world was shut down. a time where so much was uncertain but we had each other to lean on during the madness and uncertainty. i don't know how i could have survived 2020 without my boys!

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