5 random things
May 18, 20221. two days ago marked 11 years since junior moved to new jersey to be with me. that just sounds absolutely insane to me! i honestly cannot believe it's been 11 years that we've been physically together, as a couple. *brb, crying nostalgic tears* i'm just grateful for it all, the good, the bad, the hard and the fun! read a little about the start of our long distant relationship and engagement here.
2. junior and i have a carcast that we started and have been recording and posting consistently on a weekly basis. we've actually been recording ourselves talking shit in the car for yearsssss. it sort of just became our thing and now we look forward to filming every weekend. he shares short clips over on his tiktok but you can watch the full version on youtube.
4. these green shoes are my new favorites and if you see me wearing them way too often, no you didn't.
5. i'm currently way too invested in the depp v. heard defamation trial that is being broadcasted live. there's no question that their relationship was extremely toxic but i'm very interested to see what the jury will ultimately decide. did amber heard defame johnny depp with the op-ed she published? if i was on the jury, i would say yes.
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