all of the lights

December 30, 2018

this is another set of photos that junior and i shot in philly.  philadelphia is just an amazing city.  i guess because it's so different that new york, a city we frequent often, i'm always so amazing by the all of the different corners this city is hiding.  the art, the culture.  it's all so amazing.

as the year is coming to an end, i'm having such a hard time putting into words what an intense year it was.  so much growth in every area of my life.  i love the woman i am becoming.  the woman that i always was but too afraid to be.  it's still all so new to me.  but this unknown feeling makes me so super excited for the year to come.  and the one after that.  and the one after that.

i've lived my entire life waiting for tomorrow.  waiting for when i can be me.  i even had a blog called tomorrow is our day.  always waiting for the day.  any day.  and here it is.  that day is here.  the time is now.  yes, i'm excited for the future and where i'm headed but, boy i am enjoying the ride.  i am basking in all this amazingness.  the good days and the bad days.  because without the bad days, the good ones mean nothing.

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photographs by blissfulkaos  

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