traveling in the time of corona
January 03, 2022we started talking about traveling again. since covid stared, we did a few small day trips and one road trip to maine, but no traveling by plane. our last big trip was to los angeles and death valley right before the entire world changed. and i really do miss traveling. which by the way, i really hate that i didn't blog about that trip more. i was kind of bummed to see that was the only travel post i created about that trip. i was even more disappointed to see that i didn't blog about our about our trip to spain at all! 2022, the year i share where i've been. i mean, i do love that i have #orellanatravels that i can always look back on, but i want to have those memories here, too. because this is my corner of the internet this is where those memories should live. but i digress...
but i won't lie, i'm afraid to travel right now because of covid. i actually feel silly typing that out. almost ashamed like i shouldn't feel like that at all. there are so many people who continue to travel and live as though life as we knew it hasn't changed. some people who stopped for awhile and now feel more comfortable doing it. and other people like me, a little scared about it. and i feel like i'm more of a numbers kind of girl. i mean, not really, but in this instance, i feel like i am. because the probability of something happening to me is higher if i'm traveling than if i'm just at home. i mean, in my head it makes sense.... and so i just have this sort of anxiety when i think about traveling and a general lack of desire to travel.

anyway, that's how i feel and i feel kind of silly saying it out loud. but all of that to say that i really do miss traveling. and i would love to go on a trip soon. who knows, maybe we will. and just know, if you're still feeling a little weird about this whole pandemic thing, you're not alone. clearly i'm pretty unsure about it myself.

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